Francesca Chialva
Born in Pancalieri in 1955. High School Diploma in science and a Llaw degree from University of Turin. She was called to the Bar of Pinerolo in 1977 and is currently a Supreme Court lawyer.
She works with the firm as a consultant.
She started as a practicing solicitor at a law firm specialized in criminal law in Turin where she could followed famous trials and concluded this activity in a Civil law firm in Pinerolo.
After practice she won a competition through qualifications to the USL now ASL Pinerolo where she worked for four years doing mostly anti-mafia controls on the award of contracts for supplies for the company. She then taught law and economics in high schools for a few years.
In 1997 she began to work as a lawyer. For over a year she served as honorary public prosecutor in criminal cases at the Court of Pinerolo.
For many years, she has been president of the section of the Criminal Chamber of Pinerolo "Vittorio Chiusano" and organizes events for the training of lawyers through conferences organized with other professionals (accountants, doctors, engineers).
She works as a lawyer at the Pautriè office in Turin and in the office in Pinerolo Viale Savorgnan d'Osoppo n. 23.
Tel. 0121 794546
Fax 0121 794546